Ahogy írtam az előző Garfieldes postomban, majd fogok írni a zenéről is. Kirakom a két nyitódal angol szövegét:
1. opening dalszöveg
Ladies and Gentlemen, Garfield & Friends. Friends Are There
To Help You Get Started, To Give You A Push On Your Way. Friends Are There
To Turn You Around, Get Your Feet On The Ground For A Brand New Day
They'll Pick You Up When You're Down
Help You Swallow Your Pride When Something Inside's Got To Break On Through To The Other Side
Friends Are Someone You Can Open Up To
When You Feel Like You're Ready To Flip
When You Got The World On Your Shoulders
Friends Are There To Give You A Tip
Friends Are There When You Need Them
Their Even There When You Don't
For A Walk In The Park, For A Shot In The Dark
Friends Are There. Garfield: "I Don't Care"
But Friends Will Care For You-u-u-u-u-u-u!
2. opening dalszöveg
We're (We're) ready (ready) to (to) party! (party!)
We're ready to party, we're ready! I hope you bring lot's of spaghetti!
Come on in , come to the place where fun never ends! Come on in, it's time to party with Garfield and friends!
Dancing, Fiesta! Romancing, Siesta!
Samba, La Bamba, Eye Carumba!
Disguises (Disguises), surprises (Surprises)
and pies of,(and pies of) All sizes!
Come on in, come to the place where fun never ends. Come on in, it's time to party with Garfield and Friends! Garfield and friends!
A magyar majd később jön, az a helyzet vele, hogy nem is értem tökéletesen a szöveget mindenhol, vagy ilyen értelmetlen dolgot hallok ki, így annak leírásához segítségre van szükségem.